Written by Shivashish Yadav on   -  6 min read

What is Bitcoin Mining and how to do it?

Do you know what is Bitcoin Mining? Many would know that the rate of Bitcoin is increasing day by day. If anyone who has Bitcoin, then he has become rich.

Have you ever wondered where this bitcoin comes from and how it is circulated, if you know about it then it is a good thing, and if you do not know then do not panic because today you people I want to give information about Bitcoin Mining and how it works.

If seen, this Bitcoin Mining does both things, as it adds the new transaction to the blockchain and also releases the newly created Bitcoin. Bitcoin Mining mainly comprises compiling recent transactions and preparing blocks and solving computationally hard puzzles.

Here is, the first participant who solves that puzzle places the next block in the blockchain, and he can claim his prize. As a reward, he gets Bitcoin, which is nothing but Transaction Fees. Today we will know what exactly this Bitcoin Mining is and how it works. Then what's the delay, let's start.


On hearing this word bitcoin mining , something must have come to your mind like a gold mine or gold mine from where people used to dig gold. So let me tell you clearly that nothing like this happens here, but here mining means something else, here it means a process where Transaction is processed by using Computing Power, to the network. It is kept secure and everyone connected to it is synchronized in the same system.

It is like a Bitcoin Data Center, but it is a decentralized system that is controlled by Miners located all over the world, no single person can control it here. It is called a Decentralized system because it cannot be controlled by any one individual. Here, instead of gold mining, there is also a reward for processing the transaction.

Here is the one who works quickly, and in quantity, gets rewarded accordingly. Bitcoin mining is not only used to prepare new bitcoins, but it also contributes to other tasks such as sending bitcoins from one wallet to another, so even after the last bitcoin is mined, bitcoin mining will continue.


How does Bitcoin mining work? Perhaps this thing must bother you that how this bitcoin mining works. I want to tell you that everyone who wants to become a Bitcoin miner can become it. All they need is specialized hardware and a bitcoin mining machine software.

With Mining Software, we process the transaction of bitcoin, and it is also confirmed. These miners work because if they complete this transaction, then they get Transaction Fees from the users for quick Transaction Processing.

For a new transaction to be confirmed, they have to be included in a block and a mathematical proof of work has to be given along with it. It is very difficult to generate this type of proof because there is only one way to generate it, in which your system takes billions of Calculations per Second to confirm that transaction.

For this, the miners should do all these calculations before they are accepted by their block network, so that they can be rewarded for their work at the right time. As more miners join the network to mine, then the method of finding the valid block becomes even more difficult, and it is done by none other than the network itself so that the average time of finding the block remains only 10 Mins. For this reason, Bitcoin mining has become a competitive business where no one miner has control in his hands.

Bitcoin miners can never cheat by increasing their fees and rewards or processing a fake transaction, this is because if someone wants to do this then it will corrupt the Bitcoin network, and Bitcoin Nodes rejects such a block that contains invalid data. For this reason, the Bitcoin network is secure, even if the bitcoin miners get cheated in it.


I do not think at all that the power used in bitcoin mining is a waste, because if a payment system can be run cheaply and smoothly with the use of any power, then it is believed that the power used in bitcoin mining It is a waste that is completely wrong.

As we all know that like any other payment service, some service costs will come in the processing of Bitcoin. If seen, today's door payment services like Banks, Credit Card, etc. demand very high service costs. And the power that is spent in this is not transparent and cannot be measured in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin mining has been designed in such a way that over time there has been specialized hardware that uses less power, but the cost of bitcoin mining is always proportional according to the demand. Now new research is going on how to minimize this mining power so that an Energy Efficient Bitcoin Mining System can be made.


A competitive lottery-like model is created through mining so that it is impossible for someone to continuously add blocks of new transactions to the blockchain. By doing this, it makes the transaction of Bitcoin more secure, so that no one has the power to control some transactions of the block.

Through this, a person cannot change the blockchain or roll back his own transaction. Because of mining, no transaction can be reversed, due to which Bitcoin remains more secure.


When Bitcoin first started, there were few miners present, due to which anyone was searching for new blocks from the CPU of their personal computer. As Bitcoin became famous, more and more people started mining, which made it even more difficult to find a new block.

Talking about today's door, nowadays advanced Specialized Hardware has come into the market so that mining can be done easily. If my opinion is to be believed, then this is a little patient work. Here one cannot become rich overnight, you may have to work very hard for this.

If you haven't invested in cryptocurrency yet, then believe me you are losing a lot of money. You probably know that keeping money in the bank reduces its value day by day. In such a situation, invest some of your money in cryptocurrency.

The End!

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