Written by Shivashish Yadav on   -  6 min read

Guide To Find Your First Freelancing Client Easily

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You’ve decided to become a freelancer? And you’ve found yourself stuck in the position where you experienced when you were searching your first job? Landing your first freelance job can be a frustrating situation. But, unfortunately, it’s also a relatable one. Many companies don’t want to take a chance on someone who’s new and beginner . They’d rather find someone who’s proven to be successful before.

So, what do you do? How can you manage to land your first freelance clients and start earning some income. Well this guide is for you then. There are some ways which are mentioned below. That will help you to find your client faster.

1. Make An SEO Friendly Website

When you’re trying to create SEO-friendly website design, it’s challenging to know what elements are important. SEO Friendly Website is one of those vital components of driving success for your business. If you want to create an SEO-friendly website, you must integrate responsive design into your site.

Responsive design allows your website to adapt to whatever device a user is using. Whether they access your site on a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop, they will get the version of your website that is best for their device. Each device has a different sized screen, which means that your website must adapt to fit those screens. If you don't adjust for mobile devices, these users won't have a positive experience on your site.

Overall, the importance of SEO-friendly websites is that they keep traffic on your page longer, which will help boost your website's ranking in the search results. To create a better-optimized site, integrate responsive design into your website's design. It will help you create a more SEO-friendly website design that enables you to keep leads on your page longer.

Also you must choose your topic wisely. Choose proper keywords which suits your topic, focus on internal linking on your site. Your meta description should be relevant and fill as much of the space as possible. Focus on the readability of your site to ensure your audience can read your information. Also Your website's load time strongly impacts your SEO friendliness.

2. Ask Friends & Family

One of the best ways to find leads is to reach out to family and friends through an email or letter, but it's fine to make a phone call if you'd prefer. While doing this Be Polite, Keep everything short so they can understand better and also be thankful.

3. Utilize Freelancing Websites

Freelance made up around 36% of the U.S. workforce in 2020 & around 40% in 2021 as of now. No wonder the percentage is still growing faster. During the COVID-19 outbreak, companies are increasingly recruiting freelancers to to work with them. Hence, the number of available freelance jobs is now bigger.

So importance of Freelancing Website have been increased these day, you can make your portfolio as soon as possible and start approaching the clients. some of my fav websites are - Behance, Simply Hired, Dribble, Flexjobs, Fiverr, Upwork.

4. Be Helpful On Social Media

For many, social media appears to have a range of benefits. It provides a way for many of us to connect with others also many people remember you and your work that can lead you to good valuable client. We can support other people and feel supported by them. It may even be a useful way for those with social anxiety and those who have a hard time with face-to-face interactions to connect with each others.

5. Ask Partner With Other Freelancers

Teaming up with other freelancers helps you establish valuable relationships, find channels for mutual assistance. Well Why Freelancers Should Collaborate? Because together you can do a lot more than you can alone. According to a research of Freelancers Union, this is a common practice for the freelance community. 82% of freelancers refer work to each other, 53% of freelancers do paid work for other freelancers or team up on projects, and 38% of freelancers barter services with each other.

Collaboration with other freelancers improves the quality of a project. This is because everyone brings his unique skill, ideas to the project and thereby the result becomes more versatile. Initially, it is worth checking how much the freelancer you found matches your skill level. You can give him/her a small task to check the quality of work and how much you are on the same page.

6. Cold Email

While a cold email doesn’t allow you to control a conversation the way you can when your are on the phone with a prospect, the cold email has a major advantage over the cold call. You can send out a lot of email in a short span of time. The scalability of cold emailing is great for sales that don’t have the resources to make a lot of cold calls.

You can mail merge out 1,000 emails a lot faster than you can make 1,000 cold calls

The trick is to do your research, not to be spammy. The important thing to remember, is that you’re trying to start a conversation. Emails should NEVER be self-focused monologues that ramble on about the sales company. Emails ought to feel personal and thoughtful.

Also there’s no downside to being good on the phone you can do cold call also.

7. Utilize Job Boards

A freelance job board is a place where clients post jobs to find freelancers. Think of it like the classifieds section of a newspaper. Yes, it sounds just like a freelance marketplace, And that's good. Job boards are like paradise for freelancers. It removes most of the pains we usually have when using corporate-managed marketplaces like UpWork and Freelancer. Plus, the clients who use job boards usually pays well.

The End !

I hope you found this article valuable. If yes do let me know. 😊

Also if you got any question feel free to ping me anywhere.